Submit an Entry
We encourage you to heed Dr. Miller’s advice to his students:
"Do not be shy, bashful, or modest. Do not hide your light under a bushel. Do not back off; be brilliant."
Before submitting an entry using the form below, please review the following list of General and Category-specific requirements. Submissions that do not meet these requirements may not be considered for awards by the reading panels.
All entries must be original student work not previously published, with the exception of works that have appeared in the Blue Mirror, NCSSM’s art and literature journal. For the definition of "original student work" see the FAQs page.
All entries must be written in English and employ standard usage of grammar and spelling unless the writer is intentionally including some non-standard usage as an essential part of the work itself.
All entries must be predominantly textual and typed. Graphics may be included.
All entries must be submitted as a file that is in or compatible with the Microsoft Word application. The max file size is 10MB. The file name must follow this convention: Title of the Work-Category-Student ID Number. Example: The Raven-Poetry-99S123456. For instructions on finding your Student ID, see the FAQs page.
All files must include the file name, using the file naming convention, in the header of each page. All files must include page numbers in the footer of each page. All other identifying information must be removed from the file name and the pdf document. Please check the content of the entire document to ensure all personal identifiers besides student ID have been removed.
Works may be submitted for consideration in all three categories, but only one prize per student will be awarded across all categories. No single work may be submitted to more than one category.
Only two submissions per student are allowed in this category.
Any single poem has a limit of 50 lines.
Poetry may be single spaced and unconventionally formatted for poetic purposes.
Only one non-fiction submission per student is allowed.
Each piece, whether an academic essay, personal memoir or other form of non-fiction expression, should have a clear and developed theme, argument or topic. References to the work of others should be properly cited.
Each piece must have a minimum of 1,000 words and maximum of 3,000 words, including quotes. There are no word limits for footnotes, appendices or works cited; however, please be as succinct as possible.
Each piece must be double-spaced in a 12-point font with 1-inch margins.
Only two submissions per student are allowed in this category.
Short fiction entries should be invented prose narratives, not prose poems or essays. However, this category may include short plays.
Short fiction entries must have a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 3,000 words.
Short fiction must be double-spaced in a 12-point font with 1-inch margins